Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Anger and Stupidity

while never a prolific poster I have really fallen on hard times lately.
With riding stuff and leadership stuff and family stuff and work stuff time for blogging is slim or as it really is, none.
I have made comments on some blogs and I have noticed a angry tone to my posts.
I find myself saying things in conversation like "If Bob Rae wins, I am quiting the party because he will be destroying our party."
"If Kennedy wins I will sure be sitting on my hands for a couple of years."
You know what? On one hand I mean those things, I am terribly concerned about Bob Rae winning, it scares the hell out of me. I actually wonder if this is some NDP plot to destroy the Liberal party.
Then I read something like this.

I feel ashamed.
Because that is the way I really feel about stuff.
We need to stop Harper from wrecking Canada. It is that simple.

I have friends on lots of the campaigns and I wish them well.
I resolve to NOT be a jerk about all this.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger DivaRachel said...

There is NOTHING wrong with stating your true feelings, even it they are percieved to be "negative". If ppl don't like to read about how you really feel, that's just too bad.


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