Legacy: Yeah Right
A lot of ink has been in the papers lately speculating about Ralph Klein’s legacy. Klein has argued that his legacy will be the elimination of the debt.I started to ponder what exactly will Ralph Klein have as a legacy.
Has this man actually accomplished anything?
I would argue No, even if you consider the debt elimination he has failed because there is a huge debt owed the Alberta Teachers pension plan.
In truth the whole debt was created by his party anyways, its not like Ralph came in and fixed up a mess created by some other government, no the PC’s made the mess.
So lets look at the rest of his “legacy”
Alberta, the fastest growing province in Canada has less hospital beds and frankly significantly fewer hospitals period then it did when he took office. So in a time of huge growth Klein actually shut down (or blew up) hospitals.
No wonder we have a heath care “crisis.”
When Klein became Premier we had in Calgary 6 hospitals. (Maybe 7, not sure.)
We now have 3.
Per capita we have fewer schools.
Those we do have seem to be falling down daily with schools being closed in the middle of the year and kids sent elsewhere because the schools may potentially collapse.
The Calgary board of Education has closed an average of a school a year as long as Klein has been premier.
Schools have leaking roofs and asbestos peeping out from walls and ceilings.
Calgary has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in Canada.
Calgary has one of the highest high school dropout rates in Canada.
1000’s of qualified students are turned away for the University of Calgary and the students who attend can find themselves sitting on the stairs of lecture halls.
Paved rural roads across the province have turned into gravel.
Flooding is getting more and more common due to deforestation on the eastern slopes of the Rockies.
The rate of youth asthma is one of the highest in the country.
Klein may just turn out to be one of the worst premiers in Canadian history, I think any fair assessment will have to agree.Can any one point to ANY achievement of Klein’s turn in office.