Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So Scott Brison came in and spoke to a reasonablly full house on Friday.

He was funny and informative.
Senator Grant Mitchell showed up as well.
He was annoying.

People paid good money to come and listen to Scott.
Mitchell was not even on the tickets and then he shows up and gives what seemed like a 15 minute introduction and then gets up during the question and answer period and babbles on and on.

Has anyone noticed that since this guy was made a Senator the Liberal party is in trouble, this should not be a surprise given what he did to the Provincial Libs.

What a maroon!

Apart form that the dinner went well and as I said Brison was his always charming self.

He does a great Joe Clark impression and repeated a joke that Clark told at his wedding (Brison's).

"Jean Chretien and I are members of a very exclusive club, former Prime Ministers of Canada. May our ranks grow quickly."

Thursday, October 18, 2007


So this Friday Scott Brison will be in Calgary to be the guest at the Calgary Nose Hill/Calgary Womens policy Network Octoberfest.

He will also be meeting with riding presidents and stuff.

I will pass on any good info if I hear it but everyone should go to the octoberfest as the money will go to woman candidates for the election!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Return

SO after being gone for a long time.... it is defiantly time to come back.

Life has been very busy and complicated but things should be clear for a while so here we go.

First off...
Jean Chretien.

Now this guy here thinks that Johnny C was perfect and great.

He also abdicates any responsibility for the current state of the party.

I liked Chretien, he was a pretty decent PM.

I supported Martin but mostly because I thought if he was able he would have started to rebuild the party in the west, specifically Alberta.
That said, I was never one who wanted Chretien forced out.
We are Liberals.
Liberals do not behave that way.

you know like Tories.

Now with his book Johnny C is starting it all up again, so I have to say.
"Where is the stuff about what Johnny C and HIS gang of thugs did to this guy."

Because that's kinda where this all started isn't it.

And if that is true then that makes this guy the real cause of a lot of our problems.

So when Warren starts spouting off about rotten Martin and saintly Jean I start to sputter a little.

The truth is that that both of them and even to a extent this guy. did not give a damm about the party.
It was a tool to make them PM.
Tools can rust and bend and get broken if they are not taken care of.

So for Warren to go on about how he does not give a damm about the Federal party any more I get a little upset.
Taking your ball and going home are you Warren?

The Liberal Party helped make you what you are today. A lot of people in Calgary helped you.
Sure you did a lot yourself, you worked hard, wrote some good books but do not get all holy on us.
You have blood on your hands.
Lots of us do.
We have to get this truck out of the ditch not for us but for the country as a whole.
If we don't we will end up like these guys.

Liberals do not wage leadership war.

We give this guy, who I did not support in the race.
ALL of our support now.
Measured, reasonable criticism is allowed.
BS is not.